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Carnegie Mellon University

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Welcome to the website for official University Policies. A University Policy is a rule that has been officially sanctioned by the president of Carnegie Mellon University and that generally has university-wide applicability. A Policy may include governing principles, it may either mandate or constrain action, it may ensure compliance with laws, or it may mitigate the University's risk. Broadly, a Policy is either academic or administrative in scope and application and must be approved by the president (and Board of Trustees as required), in order to become official University Policy.

This site serves as a repository of current Policies and provides information about new, revised and, upon request, decommissioned Policies.

University Policy Office

The University Policy Office stewards the policy development, review and approval process; advises on the availability of policy training and education; manages policy publication and communication; manages the policy website and ensures ease of use; receives inquiries and facilitates timely responses; arranges and monitors the policy review schedule; designs templates; and performs other responsibilities as may be necessary.

Questions, suggestions or comments about University Policies are welcome. Please contact the University Policy Office

For questions related to a specific policy, please contact the accountable office/unit identified in the table at the top of the policy.

Ethics Hotline

To confidentially and anonymously report suspected unethical activity relating to financial matters, academic and student life, human relations, health and campus safety or research, please call 844-587-0793 or visit the Ethics Hotline website. All submissions will be reported to appropriate university personnel.